Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Beginning! Get it Changed!

We're starting a campaign! What is it? Well, it's to get the craptastic Season Three DVD Cover Art changed. See what it looks like to the left [click on it for a bigger picture]. It's...nice. OK, who are we kidding? It's terrible and just barely matches our season one and two sets! So, what are we setting out to do? We're setting out to get it changed because, well, we're the ones who have to live with the DVD everyday....the ones who have to stare at it on our shelves everyday. Anyways, ABC should care what we think! The better the cover art, the more likely they are to sell more copies. So, want to know how to get it changed? Here's what to do:
  • Go to this website and fill out the form explaining that you are talking about the Grey's Anatomy Third Season DVD and that you are unhappy with the cover art. Be explicit in your details and that you are talking about the THIRD SEASON.
  • Or, you can call 1-800-477-2811 and complain to the people directly at Disney.
You should write something along the lines of this (it doesn't have to be exactly the same, obviously, and DO NOT copy and paste it - write your own):
Hey there! Pretty much, I'm complaining about the Grey's Anatomy Complete Third Season Cover Art. It's...well...terrible. Why are they using promotional photos and not "caps" like on the last two covers? And some of those promos are like two seasons old! There's too much blank space behind the title - why not put Seattle behind it like on Season Two's cover? And why just "Season Three?" Put "The Complete Third Season!" It just needs to be changed, ABC. Please fix it - I speak for most fans when I say this. It's our DVD! Thank you.
Not just one person can change this - we need a huge out-cry, and only you and us can help us. Let's get this changed! It's our show, our DVD, our money! Let's be happy with it! So start complaining! Once you've sent your e-mail, come comment this post and let us know!

  • Mock-ups of what people think the cover should REALLY look like.
  • Progress on how things are going.
  • and more!
  • Here's one of our friends' mock-ups of what she thinks the DVD should look like! We still think the DVD should use screencaptures like the previous two covers though, and not promotional photos. But, with a professional touch, this cover would definitley turn out better than the one that Disney created!
  • asked us to remove their info. They have gotten tons of e-mails on the situation and can't deal with the volume of them. Apparently, they don't have a good contact at Disney.

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